MinusSugar improves population health by removing unwanted sugar from fruit juices and other natural beverages. Our proprietary biotechnology removes all types of sugar, at scale and without interfering with the other characteristics of the juices.

The future we are building is one with Less Sugar, More Possibilities. Our commitment to reducing sugar content in food and beverages that we all love opens up a world of opportunities for even healthier and more innovative products.


Our approach is simple: it begins and ends with people, a focused, curious and diverse team with open minds, dedicated to doing good through the power of science. We firmly believe that simplicity is the key to innovation, and we not only talk the talk but walk the walk.

We don't just innovate occasionally; innovation is our daily routine. Our ethos embraces nature and sustainability, seeking to make products that are made to be made again. Above all, we hold ourselves accountable to doing the right thing, both for our team, our clients and our world.


From left to right

Gleidson Teixeira | CSO  [In]

Gabriel Galembeck | COO [In]

Cátia Coelho | CPCO [In]

Rodolfo Coelho | CEO [In]

Osmar Netto | CTO [In]


MinusSugar raises $2.5M to shake up the juice industry with sugar removal breakthrough

Enter MinusSugar, a biotech startup founded by a team of Brazilians in Miami that’s transforming how we think about sweetened drinks. The team has developed a proprietary process to remove all types of sugar from fruit juices – preserving flavor, freshness, and nutrition in the process. 

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Que seja doce enquanto dure: o fim do açúcar como o conhecemos

MinusSugar: biotech fundada por cinco brasileiros na Flórida, USA, que possui tecnologia proprietária para remoção de frutose de sucos de laranja. Recebeu cheque de US$ 2,5 milhões do BR Angels em dezembro de 24 e já fechou contratos de licenciamento da tecnologia com a Natura One e Citrosuco.

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MinusSugar capta US$ 2,5 milhões para tirar o açúcar do suco de laranja

A startup de biotecnologia MinusSugar, fundada por cinco brasileiros na Flórida, nos Estados Unidos, aposta em uma tecnologia própria de remoção das frutoses de sucos de laranjas — e, agora, conta com a ajuda de um cheque de US$ 2,5 milhões, liderado pelo BR Angels.

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